Lucy Banks Treatments

Botox Browlift

Lift and frame the eyes, for a wider, fresher, and more awake appearance.

Botox - Niche

Enhance the mid and lower face by lifting and softening with niche Botox treatments.

Botox - Upper Face

To soften and lift the brow. A natural airbrush for etched or negative lines that imply stress and anxiety.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Relax overworked jaw muscles, providing relief from teeth grinding and jaw tension.


Restore volume and lift with natural contours and beautiful balance.

Chemical Peels

For radiant skin. Stimulate collagen and target pigmentation, sun damage, scars and fine lines.

Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Eradicate excessive sweating and the anxiety it can trigger in social and professional settings.

Eye Refresh

Revitalise your eye area with a dual-treatment that tightens and brightens with minimal downtime.

Eye Rejuvenation

Illuminate and rejuvenate the eye area for a fresh, wide eyed look.

Facial Slimming

Feminise the jawline by softening the masseter muscle for a more oval face shape.

Filler - Lower Face

Soften shadows, lift mouth corners and balance facial ratios, for a soft and well structured overall impression.

Hairline Filler

Gently lift the eye brow and mid facial contours without injecting filler into the cheeks.

Hand Filler

Restore volume in the hands for a fresh, hydrated finish.

Hand Rejuvenation

Revitalise hands with a targeted plan for volume, tone and texture.


Restoring your face to baseline, to correct overdone, misplaced or migrated filler.


Create subtle definition for a smoother impression of the jawline.

Knee Rejuvenation

Tighten and smooth the knees to show off your legs with increased confidence.

Lip Refresh

Smooth vertical 'smokers lines,' define the lip border, and restore hydration around the mouth.


Enhance, hydrate and define your lips with natural-looking results.

Liquid Lift

Rejuvenate the face by restoring your natural volume and contours.


Soften scars and achieve firmer, healthier skin, with little downtime.

Neck Bands

Soften the appearance of neck bands, encouraging a gentle lift as the downwards pull of the muscle is released.

Neck Rejuvenation

Soften, tighten and smooth the appearance of the neck.

Nefertiti Lift

Lift the face, improving jawline, mouth corners, and brow for a brighter and lighter look.

Non-surgical nose job (Rhinoplasty)

Achieve a smoother, more symmetrical nose with precision and comfort.


Stimulate young collagen and elastin, building natural volume and significantly boosting skin health for a glowing tone and smooth texture.


Revitalise and hydrate thin skin, enhancing texture and tone for a fresh, radiant complexion.


Renew skin, improving texture and tone with overall tightening. Effective on eyelids.

Skin Boosters

Hydrate your skin at a cellular level for a naturally plumper and dewy finish.

Tear Troughs Filler

Restore lost volume to soften hollows and dark circles, illuminating the eye area.


Restore volume to temple hollows, to soften shadows and affect better facial flow.