Filler - Lower Face

Chin, Marionette Lines and Mouth Corners

When assessing the face as a whole, it is observed as facial thirds. From the base of the nasal tip (columella) to the apex of the chin comprises the lower facial third. As much as the lips comprise a vital part, so too does the chin, the marionette area and the mouth corners.

As we lose volume in the chin the muscle is triggered into hyperactivity, turning upwards and creating undulations and pockmarks, particularly upon animation. By reinstating support with filler, the muscle relaxes out of contraction, appearing softer and more defined. The chin has a direct correlation with the breadth of the cheeks and line from the cheeks to the angle of the jaw. It is a way of (re) defining a point of femininity as well strengthening the tissue and recruiting lax skin from the jowl area. It is essential to assess individual features and work to them. Some require subtle projection; others, elongation to flatter proportions of the face as a whole and synchronise the lower facial unit and the facial framework overall.

Marionette lines are the thumbprint from the mouth corners to the jawline. They are formed through a number of factors:

  • Descent of the soft tissue from the mid face, overhanging the mandibular ligament at the corner of the mouth, creating shadow.

  • General volume loss, creating a hollows/shadow.

  • Faster bone reabsorption meaning less structural support.

By filling in front of the mandibular ligament the tissue is reinforced, softening shadow and improving surface tension / a smooth impression. Using both a needle for deposits of support and a cannular to sculpt, a more confluent transition is created. Pillars of support at the mouth corners also help lessen a downward turn at the mouth corners (oral commissures)

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