Excessive Sweating (hyperhydrosis)

From £550

When it comes to excessive sweating, deodorants and antiperspirants are generally ineffective. The condition, however, may be very successfully controlled with Botox. Tiny doses injected just under the skin of the armpits will cause the sweat glands to cease production for an average of eight months. This quick and effective treatment provides freedom from excessive underarm sweat, affording complete control in social and professional situations.

Sweat is the way that body cools itself, preventing it from overheating. Sweat glands are activated by the nerves, which are stimulated by:

  • messages from the brain indicating that the body is too hot

  • emotions

  • hormones

  • physical activity/exercise

There are two to four million sweat glands in the skin, with many found in the armpits. In people with excessive sweating the sweat glands overreact to stimuli and are generally overactive. It is as if the glands are constantly switched on.

Botox for sweating

As with the nerve-to-muscle communication, Botox has the ability to temporarily block the secretion of the chemical that is responsible for “turning on” the body’s sweat glands. By blocking, or interrupting, this chemical messenger, Botox “turns off” sweating at the area where it has been injected.

While sweating is an essential body function for temperature-control, the underarms are responsible for less than 2% of the body’s sweat glands. The treatment of these sweat glands has no effect on body thermoregulation and compensatory sweating (i.e. increased sweating elsewhere) has not shown itself to be a concern.

Botox for sweating is an amazingly effective, long-lasting and, for some, a life-changing procedure.

At a Glance

Treatment Time

45 minutes




6 - 12 months

The Process

The area is numbed, using a local anaesthetic cream. Once cleaned, tiny doses of Botox are injected just beneath the skin in targeted areas like the armpits, blocking the nerve signals that trigger overactive sweat glands.

1. Botox Injection

Within a few days, sweat production ceases in the treated areas, providing relief from excessive sweating for up to 8 months without affecting the body's natural cooling system.

2. Sweat Reduction

Frequently asked questions

  • You may experience swelling, redness, tenderness, and bruising at the injection site. Uneven swelling is normal and should balance out as it subsides. These effects typically resolve within a few days to two weeks.

  • Bruising can occur despite precautions to avoid it. If bruising happens, it will typically be apparent immediately after treatment. Bruises may change colour as they heal, from red to purple, black, green, and eventually yellow. Using Arnica and Vitamin K cream can help speed up the healing process.

  • We aim for subtle, natural results, which take 2-4 weeks to fully settle. A review can be scheduled afterward, where additional filler can be added for a fee, or, if needed, filler can be adjusted or dissolved with hyaluronidase.

  • Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. Numbing cream and local anaesthetic are used for added comfort.

  • It’s best to avoid applying makeup for 12-24 hours after your filler procedure to reduce the risk of infection or irritation at the injection site.

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