Botox - Niche

From £180

Niche indications

Niche indications

As well as lifting and smoothing the upper face, Botox may be used for various niche indications in the mid and the lower face.

The Party Pout

By resting a portion of the muscle around the lips (orbicularis oris) this creates a subtle eversion when speaking and natural pout at rest. It also acts as a measure to rest/prevent vertical lines bleeding out from the lips.

The Sad Mouth

As we age the depressor (downward pulling) muscles of the face become stronger. The depressor muscles found at the mouth corners (depressor anguli oris) tug at the outer edges of the lip, creating a downturn and sad impression to the mouth. Relaxing these muscles with Botox encourages the lip corners to rebalance.

The Gummy Smile

A gummy smile is an exaggerated exposure of the gums when smiling and can be caused by an abnormally large contraction of the muscles around the mouth and/or by an excess of gum tissue. The over-contraction of the muscles around the mouth results in excessive exposure of the teeth and gums when you smile. This may be relaxed with the careful injection of Botox into the muscles (levator labii superioris alaeque nasi) at the side of the nose.

Nasal Flare and a downward turned tip

In the nose there are muscles that pull the nasal tip down (pepressor septi nasi) and pull the nostrils laterally (dilator naris). This may be softened by injecting Botox into specific areas around the nose. Relaxing these muscles elevates the tip and lessens the dynamic action of the nostril flare.

Chin Dimpling – Peau D’orange

Chin Dimpling – Peau D’orange – With a decrease of volume, or a naturally overactive chin muscle, pockmarks become evident in the chin particularly upon animation. By injecting Botox into the chin muscle (mentalis) it allows it to relax, thereby softening the contraction and dimpling action.

Bunny Lines

Bunny lines are diagonal and vertical wrinkles that appear on the bridge of the nose and on either side of the nose with repeated contractions (squinting and laughing) of the nasalis muscle. Bunny lines may also be the sign the frown area has already been treated with Botox and are a compensatory movement. If naturally active it is good practice to get these treated at the same time.

At a Glance

Treatment Time

15 - 30 minutes



Frequently asked questions

  • Full effects are visible at:

    • 14 days for upper and lower face Botox.

    • 6 weeks for facial slimming.

  • Botox may initially reduce muscle activity, causing a “frozen” feeling. This usually softens over time, giving a more natural effect.

  • Avoid facials, massages, or facial treatments for 2 weeks after Botox to prevent the risk of the product moving to non-target muscles.

  • Botox can cause some muscles to relax at different rates, especially in the forehead. This can lead to certain areas being more active than others initially, but this will settle down.

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